Tag: cover2

CPW proposes plan to increase cougar killing in state for at...

A plan proposed on March 13 by Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) could result in the killing of more cougars. The plan proposes a change in...

Advocates call for mass release at the Aurora detention facility due...

When Hilda talked to her husband, Ivan, on Tuesday, March 31, he had been in a quarantine pod for about a week inside the...

Facing supply disruptions, Boulder County food banks prepare for the future

Walking into Community Food Share’s distribution facility in Louisville, the receptionist makes sure everyone is standing six feet apart, directing them toward an automatic...

Is abortion an ‘essential’ procedure?

On March 19, Colorado become one of several states that temporarily suspended “elective and non-essential surgeries” in order to limit public exposure to COVID-19...

Domestic violence nonprofits prepare for increased abuse

One abuser cut off his partner’s phone service after she stopped going to work due to the coronavirus, leaving her completely isolated from friends,...

Funeral services in Boulder County are being delayed, and with them,...

In George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo, Saunders spins a fantastical tale of purgatory and mingling souls not yet settled in eternal homes. It’s...

The Foilies

The Ringer,” the first track on Eminem’s 2018 album, Kamikaze, includes a line that piqued Buzzfeed reporter Jason Leopold’s curiosity: the rapper claimed the...

A virtue that produces peace

The emails started coming in on Wednesday, March 11; events canceled and venues closed. There were more emails on Thursday, and by Friday it...

Restaurants adapt amid coronavirus closures

For a regularly updated list of restaurants now offering takeout and delivery in Boulder County, visit boulderweekly.com/cuisine/restaurant-listings/. Coronavirus, and the legislative and public response...

Worlds apart

As Rezwan Masud walked toward the waiting train, he heard someone come up behind him. Before he could turn, hands covered his eyes. He...

Dim sum delight

She had me at “dumplings.”  I had poked my head into Formosa Bakery, recently opened at 1305 Broadway on the Hill, to check out the...

As written

In the spring of 2018, Icelandic singer-songwriter Ásgeir put a vinyl recording in a specifically engineered waterproof bottle and dropped it into Arctic Ocean...