
My Willmeng dilemma

It’s more a situation than a dilemma really. When it comes to Cliff Willmeng’s candidacy for Boulder County Commissioner as the Green Party candidate,...

In the real world, playing politics on immigration is a lot...

Voices on the wind… We freeze...

Trump’s racism will hit his supporters in their pocketbooks

Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge.” —Ken Cuccinelli,...

Commentary: It takes a village… of idiots

Running this story on Facebook is not our way of whining about Boulder Weekly’s business model. Fortunately, we never made page views and unique visitors...

About those primary endorsements

I don’t think I’ve ever had so many people ask me if Boulder Weekly is going to endorse in the primaries as I have this...

The coming storm of fracking operations in Boulder County

As Boulder County struggles to rewrite its current oil and gas regulations, the petroleum extraction industry has already begun its blitzkrieg of our lands. As clearly illustrated by the maps included here, a wave of environmental and property value destruction is ...


I think it was in 1995 that I first suggested a fix to Boulder’s affordable housing problem in the pages of Boulder Weekly. As I recall, the circumstances were a lot like today; rents and real estate prices were outrageously high for the region and the Boulder ...

Humpty Dumpty, Jews and Armageddon

My mom always told me opening my big mouth about politics and religion would be my downfall. I don’t disagree. But this is one...

Smart Track? We’re not that stupid

What does Smart Track have in common with the Brooklyn Bridge? They both get sold to suckers...

Trump’s war on Earth

I know, the title sounds like something out of a movie or religion starring Tom Cruise. I wish that were the case but, unfortunately, it’s...

It’s time to slow down and think a bit smaller

I’ve had trouble recognizing this country lately, which is my way of saying we’ve gotten pretty cruel and shortsighted when it comes to how...

Beaten dog syndrome: Enduring the days of Trump

Confession: I’m feeling exhausted and a bit overwhelmed. And I suspect you are too, but what can we do? Take a break? Give up? I’ve been...