
The chain of lies that makes ‘yes’ on Prop 112 a...

As I have written in this space many times since 2014, there are numerous important reasons why the citizens of Colorado badly need increased...

It’s time to slow down and think a bit smaller

I’ve had trouble recognizing this country lately, which is my way of saying we’ve gotten pretty cruel and shortsighted when it comes to how...

Welcome, AAN

Get ready, Boulder, because the hard-partying members of the AAN are are about to descend on your town. And trust me, the folks from...

Trump’s racism will hit his supporters in their pocketbooks

Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge.” —Ken Cuccinelli,...

Development reality check

I can’t remember how many times I’ve started off a column or news story with my favorite Harry S. Truman quote, but it’s happened a lot. There is just something about the short memory of Boulder County politicians and some residents that seems to keep it relevant. So...

It’s time for Commissioners to show some backbone

On Tuesday, March 16, the Open Space Advisory Committee voted 5-3 to recommend that certain GMOs be allowed to continue growing on Boulder County’s...

Thanks to you

I thought Boulder Weekly was an important endeavor 25 years ago when it launched. And while I’m happy to say that I was right on...

The Polis/Hickenlooper fracking compromise; thanks, but no thanks

Remember the old comedy skit wherein a well-meaning fellow decides he wants to do a good deed by helping an elderly woman cross a busy street? He eventually hauls her kicking and screaming safely through the traffic to the other side only to have the old lady kick ...

Humpty Dumpty, Jews and Armageddon

My mom always told me opening my big mouth about politics and religion would be my downfall. I don’t disagree. But this is one...

A Visit from St. Vladimir

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house staggered aging underwear models, and a giant orange louse; The fishnet stockings were hung...

The unreported story behind Trump’s CO visit

It was a typical Donald Trump moment. After coming to Colorado for a couple of rallies so he could insult everyone and explain nothing,...

NSA’s domestic spying program: Beware the wolf

This is not an easy column to write in a calm voice or free of profanity, but I’ll give it my best shot. That said, please feel free to toss in all the mental expletives you want as you read along. I’m sure you’ll know just where to put them...