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Stay or go?; Do I like one more than the other?

Dear Dan: I write you from Italy, where I follow you through Internazionale. I am a guy in his 30s sexually paralyzed with his...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Show a little respect May is many things, but did you know it’s International Respect for Chickens Month? And if a whole month seems like...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Haha, not so much A lot of evil people helped The Donald win the 2016 presidential election along with some not-so evil people too. Enter...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Meet the candidates In early December, a U.S. government class at Mohawk High School in Sycamore, Ohio, prepared for a rare treat. A real, live...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

All hail Zoron Hey NASA, want to increase your funding? We’ve got a great idea how you can get all the money you could ever...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

If it ain’t broke, don’t split it up In the latest proof that America has lost its damn mind, a petition to divide California into...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

How about that Colorado Democratic Party, they’re a lot like their candidate of choice So what exactly has this election season taught us about the...

The $3 billion rathole that is the war on marijuana

Among the reasons I voted for Amendment 64 was that I was tired of people being arrested and sent to prison for simple possession of marijuana...

State cannabis campaign based on information, not retribution

Have you seen the Good to Know Colorado marijuana ads on television? They use colorful cartoon characters, whimsical illustrations and a friendly, folksy voice that offers basic information about legalization. “Instead of telling you what you can’t do, we’re going to...

Oregon’s legalization process begins

On Wednesday, Measure 91, the first part of the ballot initiative approved by 56 percent of Oregon voters in November, officially took effect. The state, which, in 1998 became the second to pass a medical marijuana statute, joins Colorado, Washington and Alaska (...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Taxes are hard Look, we get it. Being one of the best soccer player in the world must be really hard. You’re kind of a...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Go away, Chris Brown The human pile of garbage known as Chris Brown has proven once again that he should move to a deserted island...