

I know it might hurt if you told me what you really think of me, but I feel a deeper ache to never be able to...

This Winter Day

What are WE to one another? If not reminders of our     Continuous connection to Earth     And to the Love inherent in Her Creation. Where...

Sonnet 45

the lyrics go something like yeah, yeah, yeah while the drum goes chitch underwater cunk cunk and the singer goes yeah babe yeah yeah yeah then electric...

Decadence Outside Dior’s

I walked down the avenue of obscenity, of unspeakable wealth, store window displays glazed with million-dollar baubles for women waltzing by in shoes of gold, bandaged faces newly contoured by plastic...


Jamie got drunk on a cold night, slept outside, and didn’t protect his feet. He limps into the shelter, leaning on chairs for support, sleeps on a...

Death-Bridge Keeper’s OTHER Five Questions (THREE Questions!)

To WHAT, from what, is time a bridge? Of WHO and WHAT is that bridge a carrier? To WHAT do the people and things the bridge carries across and back throw up a collective — and insurmountable — BarRRier??? Born...

Free Poetry Skool @ Downtown Public Library

Poets gather like words on a page scribed in their own handwriting as illustrious lines they embody poetic form — such as , a tercet , perhaps — where this...

Taking a Short-cut on a Dead-end

You know... I’ve been dying, more than I’ve been living I’ve been making more than I’ve been giving You’re telling me I’ve been forgiven, what am I...

Bring an Original Poem to Class

Scary things, scary things The things that have created me All come back, so haunting Surrounded now, I can not breathe. Can someone please Soon help me Rid my life...


where was the attention span placed? look under the rubble the distracted clutter of mind is hiding there somewhere it would have remembered to call if the blue jay...

The failure in our living

Dying where we stand, slouched, our eyes closed, hands covering our ears, one could almost imagine the world has stopped revolving, a silent protest against our collective indifference of the rot...

Viewer’s Choice

Those who can afford tickets to the theater, opera, savoring the culture of a city of prosperity, where millions skimp on meals, worry about their children denied opportunity because of poverty, tormented...