fireworks fire truck Fourth of July




Boulder’s Savoy unveils long-awaited debut CD

Savoy has been in existence, in a sense, ever since its three members moved into Williams Village together as dorm-mates, long before they were able to think of a band name or open up a laptop on stage. Producers Ben Eberdt, Gray Smith and percussionist Mike Kelly ...

‘Good Hair’ a good time

Morgan Spurlock, look lively. Sacha Baron Cohen, watch your...

‘Amelia’ plays it safe

"No borders, just horizons," enthuses aviator Amelia Earhart in the new biopic Amelia. "Who wants a life imprisoned in safety...

‘Astro Boy’ seems dated

Lovely dollops of wit and warmth float through the big screen version of Astro Boy, the latest Japanese TV cartoon to make it to the big screen. But the look, themes and slam-bang "Transformers" violence of that 1960s animated series make this every bit as dated as "...

Lissie’s new EP: Strong start, weak finish

Folksy bordering on irritating at points, newcomer indie singer/songwriter Lissie's [Lissie Maurus] EP Why You Runnin', out Nov. 10 on Fat Possum Records, makes an unstable but positive debut with her new label...

‘Couples Retreat’ a waste of talent, unfunny

Director Peter Billingsley had a tough assignment: take four suburban couples and put them through a series of "relationship building" challenges that were thought-provoking, poignant, revealing and funny. In attempting to accomplish this, he makes everyone a crass ...

‘Serious Man’ a new Coen classic

A Serious Man is a tart, brilliantly acted fable of life's little cosmic difficulties, a Coen brothers comedy with a darker philosophical outlook than No Country for Old Men but with a script rich in verbal wit. This time it's God or chance, or fate with a grudge ...

Spring Creek comes down the mountain for gig

It's been a long climb for Spring Creek, the first Coloradans ever signed by the blue-chip bluegrass label Rebel Records, and the first band ever to win both the Telluride and the RockyGrass festivals back to back. The band's fast-ascending status lives up to their ...

Rusted Root comes to Boulder

Leaving the Fox Theatre after Dr. Dog's fabulous (and packed) performance Monday night, it was hard to escape the realization that the current batch of diverse North American rock bands (which also includes Arcade Fire, Animal Collective, Fleet Foxes, Yeasayer and ...

The Who plans on new album

Guitarist Pete Townshend has revealed that he is working on a new production in the tradition of the Who's Tommy and Quadrophenia that he calls Floss. The guitarist also told Rolling Stone magazine that the more conventional songs from Floss will be part of a new Who...

Who knew a spelling bee could be so much fun?

In the world of pop culture, you can't walk to the corner store for a soda without running into 15 examples of paeans to the popular kids. Plays, movies and songs seem to suckle at the teat of social acceptance as they lavish praise on the beautiful and adroit, the ...

BMOCA explores the art of city chicken coops

When was the last time you saw livestock frequenting a fine arts museum? I'm going to say never. Live farm animals might seem like an anomaly at an art exhibit, but as Boulderites swarmed the farmers' market on Sept. 26, their sacks filled with organic produce, live ...