U.S. expresses outrage over assault on Cuban blogger


MIAMI — The U.S. State Department has told Cuba it deplores
last week’s assault’ on blogger Yoani Sanchez, one of the toughest of several
expressions of support for the Havana writer.

Sanchez and fellow blogger Orlando Luis Pardo said they were
beaten Friday by presumed state security agents to keep them away from a
“march against violence.” Blogger Claudia Cadelo and another woman were
detained in the incident, but without violence.

“The U.S. government strongly deplores the assault,” said
a State Department statement issued late Monday. “We have expressed to the
Cuban government our deep concern … and we are following up with inquiries to
(the three bloggers) … regarding their personal well-being and access to
medical care.”

Sanchez’ husband, Reynaldo Escobar, told El Nuevo Herald
she’s walking with a crutch and taking medicines for a backache, the result of
being thrown head-first into a car and punched in the back by the three men in
plainclothes who detained her for 20 minutes. There was no word on Pardo’s

Cuba’s government-controlled mass media has made no mention
of the incident, which received wide coverage abroad because of Sanchez’s fame
as the prize-winning author of the blog Generacion Y, which regularly
criticizes the ruling system.

“The Cuban authorities are using brute force to try to
silence Yoani Sanchez’s only weapon: her ideas,” said Jose Miguel Vivanco,
head of the New York-based Americas section of Human Rights Watch. “The
international community must send a firm message to Raul Castro that such
attacks on independent voices are completely unacceptable.

“This brazen attack makes clear that no one in Cuba who
voices dissent is safe from violent reprisals,” Vivanco added.

The Human Rights Foundation, an independent group also based
in New York, decried the “blatant attempt by the Cuban government to silence
independent thought and speech” and added: “Does the Cuban government realize
the preposterous irony of violently assaulting citizens who were on their way
to protest violence?”

Seven U.S. senators from both parties, meanwhile, issued
statements Tuesday condemning the incident, with Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J.,
calling it “yet another indication that despite all the hoped-for change on
the island, the regime continues to rule with an iron fist that crushes any
seed of free speech or human rights.”

“This is yet another outrageous and unacceptable example
that appeasing the Castro regime will not work,” said Sen. George Lemieux,
R-Fla. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., called Sanchez “a symbol of courage.”

Also condemning the incident were Senators Frank Lautenberg,
D-N.J.; Ted Kaufman, D-Del.; and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

Earlier, during an interview with Radio Marti, Rep. Lincoln
Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., branded the violence against Sanchez and Pardo as
“repugnant” and said it was “Cuba’s answer” to gestures by President Barack
Obama to establish a new relationship.

Via McClatchy-Tribune News Service.


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