The Highroad

Fired CEOs get gilded goodbyes

In these times of nationwide job insecurity, with five applicants lined up for every job opening, CEOs warn workers that they’d better perform — or else. Or else they’ll be unceremoniously booted out the door...

Let’s cheer for NFL cheerleaders

Give me an “N” — Nnnnnn...

Moral Monday on the move

Rosa Parks became a powerful symbol of courage and defiance in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s by simply refusing to give up her seat to a white man and move to the back of the bus, as the racist culture of that time dictated she was supposed to do...

Food manipulators trying to deceive voters

An old adage says, “Never buy a pig in a poke.” But what about a poke hidden in a pig...

Lawmakers dance with the devil

If you choose to dance with the devil, never flatter yourself that you're in the lead...