The Highroad

What kind of country punishes Good Samaritans?

Let us now contemplate the morality tale of the Good Samaritan. Not the one in the New Testament, but the one out in the...

Insider tips profit biggest hedge funds

The high-rollers who run Wall Street’s top hedge funds essentially gamble with other people’s money, betting billions of dollars on such stuff as whether XYZ Corporation’s third-quarter profits will be one point lower than forecast. Doing this, they assert, is ...

Big Coal buys access to 4th graders

If some predator was stalking fourth graders in your community, there’d be a mighty uproar to make the predator get away and stay away from your schools...

Corporate flimflammers suckering Congress, again

If you google Google, you might learn that this Internet powerhouse once proudly promised to do no evil...

Life’s not fair to Wall Street bankers

It used to be that corporate CEOs...

Let’s turn Pope Francis loose on Wall Street

Amazing! Some people who’ve long enjoyed a lifestyle of oldmoney elegance, are suddenly trying to downscale their lives and show a bit more of the common touch...

Citigroup becomes its own self-serving lawmaker

Perhaps you recall from high school civics class that neat flow chart showing the beautiful democratic process for passing a law through Congress...

Cleaning up the stench of Washington lobbyists

Even a hog must sometimes gag at the stench of its own sty. Maybe that’s why some corporate lobbyists have launched a campaign to spiff up K-Street, Washington’s corridor of shameless high-dollar influence peddlers...

Trump serves the people — rich ones, that is

Donald Trump bragged in 2016 that, “I know words — I have the best words.” Well, occasionally he does use some very fine words...

Alec’s legislative bawdy house

Do you know Alec? You probably do, even though you never heard of it. Yes, “it.” Not a person, ALEC is the acronym for a secretive, corporate-funded, state policy front group: American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC’s “exchange” is very straightforward — it ...

Aetna lifts the national standard for ‘competitive wages’

Business schools preach a strict, anti-social doctrine of corporate management that comes down to this: CEOs must be idiots...

Avoid Amazon’s ‘Cyber Monday’ and buy local

It’s “Cyber Monday” — get out there and buy stuff! But you don’t actually have to go anywhere, for this gimmicky shop-shop-shop day lures us...