The Anderson Files

Public banking in North Dakota

North Dakota is one of the three most conservative states in the United States, according to Gallup. Wyoming is number one, with self-identified conservatives...

Triptych and Trump

The uproar over Russian meddling in the U.S. election diverts our attention from the larger phenomenon of Russia’s support for far right movements in...

Trump, Israel and the Palestinians

On Dec. 23, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted Resolution 2334, which declared that Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem...

A familiar path to fascism

Donald Trump is the first major party presidential nominee to provoke widespread discussion about whether he is a fascist. It is a question raised...

Castro’s Cuba: The good and the bad

When Fidel Castro died, conservatives told us that he was a uniquely horrible dictator. These are the same people who have defended U.S. support...

Is this an extinction-level event for American labor?

The labor movement has been reviving in recent years but now it faces stormy weather with the presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court...

You want it, you got it

Many Americans wanted big change this year. A majority of voters in a nationwide Election Day exit poll by Reuters/Ipsos agreed that “America needs...

The world will miss Tom Hayden

Whatever the future holds and as satisfying as my life is today,” Tom Hayden wrote in his 1988 memoir, “I miss the ’60s and...

Our mirror image of ISIS

This election year has been so peculiar that it is easy to overlook some unusual events. At the United Nations, a prominent official lambasted a...

The alt-right is invigorated

Recently, former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien said the network and other news outlets are “normalizing” white supremacists in their coverage of Donald Trump. Hillary...

Choosing terrain for activism

What if America had a parliamentary system? What if we got rid of the presidency and the Senate and turned the House of Representatives...

GOP racism and Trump

Donald Trump’s zigzags on race can be confusing. He holds a polite, presidential-style press conference with the president of Mexico and then goes to...