The Anderson Files

A Colorado universal health care solution

It is unlikely that any significant health care reforms will be coming out of Washington, D.C. any time soon. Meanwhile, there’s a growing under-reported...

UMAS remains as important as ever as it turns 50

Whenever the topic of civil rights is discussed, the conversation almost always revolves around relations between whites and African Americans. It is interesting that...

The Battle in Seattle 20 years on

Twenty years ago, activists gave us an adrenaline rush. Tens of thousands of people flooded downtown Seattle, challenging the global economic order and yelling...

Triptych and Trump

The uproar over Russian meddling in the U.S. election diverts our attention from the larger phenomenon of Russia’s support for far right movements in...

Trump’s war on workers

Trump proclaims himself the savior of the screwed-over “forgotten men and women” of the working class. Every day, he hogs the media spotlight with...

Fight the virus or just give up

Many months ago, public health experts predicted that we would likely have a dark coronavirus winter. Now cases are skyrocketing, the death rate is...

You want it, you got it

Many Americans wanted big change this year. A majority of voters in a nationwide Election Day exit poll by Reuters/Ipsos agreed that “America needs...

The Bernie revolution rolls on

In a volatile and anxious time when people’s lives are being upended, cautious middle-of-the-roaders fail to inspire while those who propose big alternative visions...

U.S. aid to suppress Palestinians and democracy

Something unprecedented is happening in U.S.-Israeli relations. There has been a mainstream cliché that Israel is “the only democracy in the Middle East.” It...

Fake populist GOP promises to attack labor

Does the media tend to portray Donald Trump as a tribune of ordinary folks and Joe Biden as an establishment elitist? That is what...

The devil is in the details

When he was on the campaign trail, Donald Trump denounced “free” trade agreements, promising something “much better” for working people than the North American...

How to sabotage the federal government

The Trump administration offers us a ceaseless sordid circus of chaos and confusion, which dominates the headlines. Each day is a new episode of...