
Goodbye to the five-year ‘timeout’

In what must be the most predictable court decision of the decade, the Colorado Supreme Court last week struck down Longmont’s ban on fracking...

How do coal barons get away with murder?

Coal mining is a filthy business. Literally. Miners not only get covered in the soot of their trade, but also suffer the suffocating death called...

Letters: 5/5/16

Open Letter to Boulder City Council, Boulder County Commissioners and Arvada City Council Dear Elected Officials: Please do not allow the Plutonium Superhighway (aka Rocky Mountain...

Beware the corporate takeover

“Bernie’s where the Democrats need to be. He’s speaking to fears that working families have about the future, but he’s not dividing people the...

Parsing the PR lies of Goldman Sachs

CorporateSpeak is an inane language that conveys seriousness without any sincerity. Consider this example from Goldman Sachs: “We are pleased to put these legacy matters...

Longmont fracking ban struck down, what now?

It was quite a read. The further I delved into the Colorado Supreme Court’s decisions to overturn Longmont’s ban on fracking and Fort Collins’...

Letters: 4/28/16

Response to 'Signature Time for Anti-Fracking Initiatives' It is unfortunate that Boulder Weekly, once again, wrote a story about proposed anti-energy ballot initiatives without even...

Listening through a prism

Readers of Haley Gray’s April 14, 2016 “Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project heads back to council” might have been surprised when just four days later...

Forget Nablus and mediation — there’s a better choice for sister...

About 20 or 30 years ago, some local peace and justice activists decided to resolve the conflict over abortion by bringing representatives of the...

Why Bernie will, should and must stay in the race

Surprisingly, this week’s prize for Stupidest Political Comment in the presidential race doesn’t go to Donnie Trump or Ted Cruz. Rather, that honor goes to...

Letters: 4/21/16

Danish BS Just a note for Mr. Danish in response to his column on Donald Trump getting ripped off for Colorado delegates: Whatever you...

CU needs to give Nike a swift kick

A university should be a critic and conscience of society, according to an old-fashioned view. There are lofty goals on campus plaques and universities...