

Earth to Boulder...


Correction: Last week’s News story “Campaign contributions, elections and the bureaucratic calendar” (Sept. 24), incorrectly referred to Rep. Mike Foote as Sen. Mike Foot and he sits on the House State Affairs Committee, not the Senate State Affairs Committee. We ...

Paying the price of the Afghanistan war

boulderweekly.com/highroadThe good news is that the U.S. Senate and House are at last uniting in a truly bipartisan push to put billions of our tax dollars into the urgent national need for better schools, transportation and other essential services. Unfortunately...

Bankers keep running with illegal foreclosures

Two-year-olds often go running around the house too wildly and crash into something. They get an “ouchie” and fall down crying, but they learn from it...

The disuniting of America

 The Bible doesn’t say that money is the root of all evil — rather, it condemns the love of money...

Workers’ taxes siphoned off by their bosses

My congratulations to workers in 16 states — from Maine to Georgia, New Jersey to Colorado! Many of you will be thrilled to know that the income taxes deducted from your paychecks each month are going to a very worthy cause: your corporate boss...

The dirty little secret of private equity profits

Executives in private equity firms — such as Mitt Romney of Bain Capital and Henry Kravis of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts — tend to be peacocks who think quite highly of themselves...

The mobsters of Wall Street

Assume that you ran a business that was found guilty of bribery, forgery, perjury, defrauding homeowners, fleecing investors, swindling consumers, cheating credit card holders, violating U.S. trade laws and bilking American soldiers. Can you even imagine the ...

Driving to ban drilling

About 150 people turned up at the Plaza Hotel’s Conference Center in Longmont last Monday to try to browbeat the Boulder County commissioners into banning oil and gas drilling in Boulder County. Chances are most of them drove to the meeting. In cars fueled by ...

Letters | Walmart in Boulder

I just read an article in ICUMI about Walmart. (“Should Walmart come to Boulder?” Jan. 31.) Here’s my two cents: A few years ago our family traveled through small towns in the Southeastern states for three weeks. We found it was very easy to figure out if there was a...


Driving vs. eating...


Polis ‘Smart Track’ Position an Insult...