
Finding the money to fund higher education for all

Question: Is making higher education available to every American more important to our national interest than letting Wall Street profiteers make a few more billions-of-dollars each year...

Cheap racial slam

(Re: “New Age outrage,” Uncensored, Oct. 29.) I must write to protest Pamela White’s derogatory use of the term “white folks” in her recent column, especially given its “there goes the neighborhood” context. Going for a cheap laugh at the expense of European-...

Jail is not a pot deterrent

(Re: “Medical association: Reconsider pot," In Case You Missed It, Nov. 19.) While I’m thrilled that the American Medical Association has finally urged the federal government to rethink its prohibitionist stance on medical marijuana, I can’t help but wonder about ...

Shackling is ridiculous and inhumane

Pamela White’s article “Pregnant in Prison” moved me to tears (cover story, Feb. 18). Having a wrist or ankle of a woman in labor shackled is shocking and inhumane. Only people who have never given birth would think such a thing is OK...

Letters | Romanoff vs. Bennet

Romanoff vs. Bennet (Re: “The chosen one?” News, Feb. 25.) Thanks for shining some light on the Romanoff/Bennet contest. The Bennet juggernaut is all too typical of the hidebound Colorado Democratic Party machine: ignore popular sentiment and push a D.C. insider with...

Letters | Prez too big a job for one person

Prez too big a job for one person...

Letters | The truth about pot

The truth about pot...

Letters: 7/28/16

My Danish plan Paul Danish is against the tax on soda and decries the “nanny state,” arguing that a sugar tax, in a town with...

Oakland goes to pot

In California, a surprising new union movement is growing like a weed, having taken root in a burgeoning economic sector that has enormous potential: marijuana...