

Driving vs. eating...


Polis ‘Smart Track’ Position an Insult...

The economy is up! Or is it down?

boulderweekly.com/highroad Good news, people! The economy is roaring like a tiger again, so we shoppers are now willing and able to spend more. I know this is true, because it says so right here on the front page of the business section of my local daily, the ...

Fighting the superbugs of agribusiness

Not so long ago, the “miracle cure” of antibiotics prompted doctors to prescribe them for illnesses as minor as colds and upset tummies. But, then, people began to die. In droves. Why? Overuse of antibiotics led to the rapid evolution of savvy bacteria resistant ...

Tea party Congress: ‘Power to the Corporations’

Good grief — the genuine populist fury of grassroots tea partiers is now being perverted into anti-populism by the very Tea Party Republicans they elected to Congress...

Organize for 2012

At last, a New Year cometh! I say “at last” because, politically, 2011 was a rough ride...

Romney takes the gold in 2002 Olympics

One of the curiosities of life in these curious times is that millions of Americans are enjoying the benefits of government — but are either unaware of it or in denial...

Corporate America toys with desperate job applicants

Great news, people. As a recent headline puts it: “Household wealth back at pre-recession levels.” Oh joy — we’re all rich again...

Big political donors buying elections… and public policies

Who does David Keating think he’s fooling...

Hick clueless on guest workers

Do we want to create a permanent underclass of non-citizens in the United States? That is a crucial question in the immigration reform debate...

The dark horses of 2016

The best advice I ever got about running for office came from Faye Johnson, a fierce Democratic warrior and former Boulder County Democratic Party chair. It consisted of exactly three words: “Make no assumptions...

Letters | People of the Year

(Re: “People of the Year: Our Health, Our Future, Our Longmont,” cover story, Dec. 27.) The People of the Year award brought tears to my eyes, because this was truly a community effort, led by, but transcending, those mentioned in the article. I am overjoyed that ...