
Review: Apple’s iPhone 5 in 4900 words

The anticipation was huge, and now, Apple's iPhone 5 is here. How awesome and badass is it? How much Android ass does it kick? How much should we be willing to pay (or wait) for one?I have no idea. I'm not slogging through the biggest review of anything I've ever ...

Google TV upgrades software as Apple TV rumors spread

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Google TV announced a software...

A … brief … address of the council

A Boulder police officer providing security during a Boulder City Council meeting on Tuesday arrested a 44-year-old male after he removed his clothing and, clad only his boxer shorts, approached the podium...

Boulder prepares for e-scooter invasion with an emergency moratorium

There’s a new wave of micro-mobility e-transportation sweeping the nation, and it’s inevitably coming to Boulder.  For the time being, though, it’s been stalled by...

Deadly ground

Sometimes you get more than you bargained for. In 1988, the city and county of Boulder jointly purchased 1,200.5 acres of land from Beech Aircraft under the impression it would be a great addition to Open Space. The land, about two miles north of Boulder on Highway ...

Federal Judge Strikes Down Defense of Marriage Act Insurance Provision

A federal judge on Thursday delivered the latest legal blow to the...

The biggest non-coronavirus stories from the last month

Amid constant coronavirus coverage in the media, it may seem like nothing else is going one. That is, of course, not the case. We...

Frozen Dead Guy Days a celebration of life

Every year, thousands of people worldwide flock to Nederland and celebrate the cryogenically maintained body of an 89-year-old Norwegian man, a.k.a. the frozen dead guy...

News roundup: Boulder County jail releases 90; Weld County gets lawsuit...

Boulder County jail releases 90 amid coronavirus concerns; Weld County faces lawsuit for not Amid concerns that COVID-19 could spread quickly through the Boulder County...

The emigration of love, final part


Boulder’s corporate personhood measure (2H)

According to unofficial election results, the city of Boulder's question on corporate personhood passed by a significant margin...

Porn performer who tested HIV positive calls for mandatory condom use

LOS ANGELES — The adult film performer who tested HIV positive at a Los Angeles...