news briefs



“Blue Jobs” Key to Future Fisheries

There are a lot of fish in the sea. But their numbers are no match...

Alaska Oil and Gas Drilling Threatens Endangered Whales

Endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales are threatened by oil drilling...

College first to ask about sexual orientation on admission application

CHICAGO — Something new at 140-year-old Elmhurst College made senior Ally Vertigan very proud when she learned of it...

Feeding the Planet Without Destroying It

Climate change is the environmental problem that obsesses us, the one...

FBI serves search warrants on 3 Toyota suppliers

DETROIT — The Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed Wednesday that it has served search warrants on three Toyota suppliers, but declined to say why...

Not a moment, a movement

You could have heard a pin drop. At 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, March 14, nearly every student at Fairview High School walked out of...

The last names on the wall

As I wind my way north on the narrow two-lane road, I realize Wyoming can’t be far off. I squint over the steering wheel...

Boulder-based organization lends a helping hand

Living in what some refer to as the Boulder bubble, it’s sometimes easy to tune out the surrounding world and bathe in the beauty of this olivesized oasis. Conscious Alliance, a Boulder-based nonprofit, is trying to minimize that mentality...

At Apple-associated factory, iPhone production comes at a price

You've probably never heard of Foxconn by name, but it's likely you know it by reputation: Long, grueling hours under unsafe and unpleasant working conditions, worker suicides, workplace violence and explosions in factories...

Nintendo Debuts 3DS XL With 90% Larger Displays: Available August 19...

Despite the fact that Nintendo’s 3DS is an excellent hand-held console, 3DS sales haven’t been on par with what the company was expecting...

Growing pains

A public charter school in Longmont is being sued by its own property manager due to complaints about vehicle and pedestrian traffic as well as parents’ behavior...

News briefs: Red Letter Books closing, oil and gas leasing pause...

Red Letter Secondhand Books set to close at end of April as building is scheduled for demolition After more than 30 years in business, Red...