Green flags


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Weed Between the Lines

Essential weed reads

If you’ve exhausted your summer reading list, never fear: We’ve put together a primer on some of the best pot books out there, several...

Cheers! Cannabis and its derivatives are in water, tea and beer...

Don’t look now, but behind the scenes, food manufacturers from breweries to natural foods brands are trying to get marijuana into your beverage. Or...

You’ve got to concentrate

At the risk of sounding old, back in our day you just rolled a joint or packed a bowl when you wanted to enjoy...

The problem with decriminalization in New York

The national tide on marijuana legalization is turning, surely, and one of the first steps change-wary states make is to decriminalize use and possession...

Why edibles may affect you differently than smokables

Here’s something you’ve probably already figured out for yourself: eating weed has a very different effect on you than smoking it. Not that we...

Cannabis gets its day in the capitol

Cannabis is having a moment in the nation’s capitol. This week, lawmakers in Washington D.C. introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal...

CBD madness

Studying marijuana is tough in this country. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is the exclusive supplier of cannabis used for federally-approved studies....

This is your brain on drugs

Some recent research out of Ontario, Canada, may have sussed out why marijuana produces such a pleasant experience for some while creating negative sensations...


DNA testing has revolutionized criminal justice and personalized Western medicine over the past decade, and a breed of new companies thinks it can do...

The ongoing debate over cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Cannabis is celebrated for its ability to suppress nausea and alleviate pain, but for some long-term daily smokers it may do just the opposite.  Cannabinoid...

A Holy high

When is a sin no longer a sin? Apparently when it becomes a profitable investment. The Church of England, the biggest religious organization in Beatles...

Our ancestors got high

Smoking weed is an older pastime than you might think. That’s according to research published June 12 in Science Advances that analyzed archeological findings...