Cannabis Corner

The making of the President — pot edition

Could marijuana legalization have an impact on the outcome of the presidential election? Yes, and in more ways than one. The most obvious way pot...

Nearly two in three Americans agree: Stoners aren’t bad people

Good news, stoners! Nearly two out of three Americans agree: You’re not a bad person! That, at any rate, is the conclusion of an intriguing Gallup...

‘Politico’ to put out a marijuana newsletter

The highly regarded Politico website is launching a marijuana newsletter called the Morning Cannabis, which is intended to help readers “navigate the complexities and...

Fear and trembling: pews and pot edition

File under “Congressmen Say the Darnedest Things”: Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn, on Saturday, Sept. 14, told the In God We Trust Rally of the Truth...

Your tax dollars at work

According to the Denver Post, the state of Colorado has given 42 school districts and charter schools a total of $9.2 million to hire...

In a latter-day miracle, Israel’s election outcome may hinge on pot

Back in December, when Israel declared that it would hold a national election (scheduled for April 9), a political party named Zehut was so...

All hat and no cattle in New York and New Jersey

As we say out West, all hat and no cattle. At the start of the year, legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey and New...

Dem presidential candidates get on the legalization bandwagon

If you want a seat on the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential bandwagon, you better be in favor of legalizing marijuana at the federal level. That,...

Zero tolerance and the other family separations

Where was the outrage? A lot of progressives have been in high dudgeon for the last couple of weeks over the “zero tolerance” policy of...

The return of the three dot stoner journalism

Evolution in action, Joe Biden edition… It seems to have dawned on Biden that his role in creating the war on drugs and the...

The war to end the war on pot: Latest dispatches

Here are some of the latest dispatches in the war to end the war on marijuana. The news from the eastern front is encouraging. New...

The long, strange hunt for 420

The first time I saw the term “420” was in the May, 1991 issue of High Times magazine. That’s when 420 truly went global....