Cannabis Corner

The Gallup Poll comes bearing good news

Good news. The Gallup organization’s latest poll on marijuana legalization has found that Americans now favor legalizing pot by a two-to-one margin, an all-time record. The...

Legalizing pot isn’t just about getting high

Good news! Marijuana arrests in the United States fell to a 20-year low last year! Now for the bad news. According to statistics compiled by the...

Why asset forfeiture reform riles sheriffs and police chiefs

If there is any lingering doubt as to the extent to which the war on drugs has corrupted the American criminal justice system, consider...

Sessions turns Cole Memo into coleslaw

Attorney General Jeff Sessions turned the Cole Memorandum into legal coleslaw last week, causing a lot of people to wonder if the action might...

Pot drives Tucker Carlson around the bend

Wow. Marijuana really can drive people around the bend. Not smoking it or vaping it or eating it – just thinking about Congress legalizing it...

DAs, including Boulder’s, join the legalization conversation

Last Tuesday’s Daily Camera reported that the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) had formed a 14-member committee to Advise the Trump administration on marijuana...

Gallup finds record support for legal pot

A new record. Several new records, in fact. The Gallup organization is out with the results of its annual poll on whether Americans want to legalize marijuana,...

The end of the line for 139

Well, look who’s dazed and confused now. Less than a month ago, a brave little band of Colorado marijuana recriminalizers and drug war dead-enders announced...

Evolve or die

Wow! I haven’t been this exhilarated by anything involving pot since the night in 1989 when Leland (a former editor and pot writer at...

There were ballot wins for marijuana in Colorado too

Although state-wide marijuana legalization initiatives like the ones in California, Massachusetts, Florida and elsewhere got most of the attention, several Colorado communities voted on...

The making of the President — pot edition

Could marijuana legalization have an impact on the outcome of the presidential election? Yes, and in more ways than one. The most obvious way pot...

This could be huge! Then again…

This could be huge! On the other hand, it might not amount to a hill of beans. Then again, it might be really huge, but not...