Cannabis Corner

Is America’s team going green?

Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, may have just stumbled on a way to make the Cowboys America’s Team again. And it involves...

The three dot journo rides again… ICUMI edition

Hungry Pot... Ever wonder why you get the munchies from smoking pot? Michelle Janikian, writing at the excellent Herb website (, reports on two...

Fighting opioids: Give insanity a chance

It’s insane. Trump’s proposed war on opioids, that is. If insanity can be characterized as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results,...

Yikes! Sessions!

The mainstream media has taken time out from its busy schedule of compulsively re-writing Donald Trump’s obituary to report that Trump’s appointment of Alabama...


Sinclair speaks childish antics in her room, She’s dressed in cotton whites with smiles and laughs. Sue Anne speaks coy and calm with blushing cheeks, For when...

On pot, President Lead-from-Behind led from behind

A couple days ago Rolling Stone published its exit interview with President Obama, during which he unburdened himself of the following thoughts about marijuana legalization...

Three dots in a cloud of haze…

Me Too, and not in a good way... Colorado may have legalized pot in 2012, but the war on other drugs has continued throughout...

Here’s some good — and terrifying — news about alcohol addiction. According to a story at The Scientist website, the anesthetic drug ketamine could be...