
The legalized gambling, not the children’s song

When I first saw that Woof! Theatre Productions was going to present its next show at the Dairy Center, it was listed as Bingo: The Musical. When I arrived for the show this past Saturday night, I noticed that the program had the title of the production as Bingo: The...

Scratching an itch

It’s not often that one has the opportunity to see psychological horror played out on stage. Pratfalls and buffoonery abound. Studies in tragedy crop up weekly. Musical theater is so prevalent that it has become its own sub-genre. But plays devoted to the terrors ...

Peak performances in new play from BETC

Color me a hopeless romantic, but I say fuck Valentine’s Day. Sure, the holiday has its liturgical and secular historical bases, but as it exists today it is nothing more than a crass, commercialized cash grab that mocks relationships and commitment while purporting ...

The value of failing

Early this year, Laura Ann Samuelson, founder of the experimental dance company Hoarded Stuff, began asking fellow artists — who find themselves caught in an endless wheel of marketing and self-promotion — about the opposite end of their resumes. Not how they’d ...


Condom Couture Goes Hollywood...

Heavens to BETC

The Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company — aka BETC, which is pronounced “Betsy” for those of you still puzzling out the headline above — concludes its fifth season with the regional premiere of Michael Hollinger’s An Empty Plate in the Café du Grand Boeuf. A scrumptious...

Two wings and a prayer

People often analogize the creative process to the reproductive one. They talk about the “labor pains” artists go through as they struggle to bring a novel piece of art into the world. They refer to “giving birth” to a new idea, painting, play or piece of music. ...

Love, Irish style

The Political Correctness Police seem to have a blind spot when it comes to the Irish. Racial slurs against African Americans, Asians, etc. are obviously right out. Heaven forbid you should question Caitlyn Jenner’s beauty or courage. And you can’t call the 350-pound...

Fringe central

Now that summer has ended and school is back in session, the calendar has rolled back around to one of Boulder’s most cherished shenanigans: The Boulder International Fringe Festival, in which dozens upon dozens of unusual, avantgarde and independent theatrical ...

Oh my God

In the midst of the violence, suffering and fear unleashed in the last week, we seek someone to blame for creating global terror. The face of Abdel- Hamid Abu Oud flashes on screens across the country — the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks that killed at least...

The Theatre Company of Lafayette is in The Zone

Judging from the Theater Company of Lafayette’s latest Halloween homage to all things Twilight Zone, the cast and crew must have some serious trust issues. Because if it’s not a sort of group sublimation, then it would have to be some incredible concatenation of ...

Leaning forward, staying present

News about the near-fatal shooting of 14-year-old Pakistani women’s rights activist Malala Yousafzai reached Eve Ensler in a text message. It was already a few days into previews of Emotional Creature, her newest play that chronicles the triumphs and struggles of six...