
Race Across America documentary on bicycling the country screens at Dairy...

The Race Across America route crosses 3,000 miles from coast to coast, Oceanside, Calif., to Annapolis, Md., with 170,000 feet of climbing. Solo racers have 12 days to complete the course. The distance they’ll ride is half again as long as the Tour de France, ...

Got a dream?

The American Alpine Club has launched a series of “Live Your Dream Grants” to support climbers with ambitions for their own improvement and experiences as climbers. Sport, trad and ice climbers, boulderers and mountaineers are invited to apply for these $300 to $1,...

Solaris: Vail’s New Hot Spot

It’s Thursday night in February and, despite the lack of snow...

Barefoot Running Less Efficient

If the minimalist running shoe movement has prompted you to ditch...

Knocked out, but still standing

Roy Leckonby is happy. He’s lounging in the corner of a Boulder restaurant, sipping a beer and eating Mexican food. He’s smiling and laughing and soaking up the moment...

Daredevil Makes Test Jump at 71,581 Feet

The plunge from 71,581 feet was a success. Next up: 120,000 feet...

Pioneer, Legend Harvey T. Carter Dies

Harvey Carter—climbing icon and legend—passed away Tuesday, March 13, at the age of 83...

Getting a grip

Not so very long ago, Cory Richards was among those climbers who considered a borrowed floor a suitable bed and scratching out a living by photographing climbers just a dream...

Doctors Argue Against Mandatory Bike Helmet Laws

A mandatory bike helmet law is under consideration in British Parliament, and two physicians are arguing against the idea...

The 50-mile race in Prescott, Arizona, offers historic sum for winners

Named for Prescott, Arizona’s infamous Whiskey Row—a collection of...

How To Avoid Wrecking Your Next Ski Trip

Sometimes, the anticipation surrounding a ski trip creates a type of...

Yeti Cycles announce Big Mountain Enduro Series

2012 marks the arrival of America’s...