Tag: Mar 17 2016 issue

A warrior lost

We are lucky to live in Colorado. Sure the mountains and recreation are great but that’s not what I’m talking about. We are lucky to live...

The Foilies 2016

Last spring, Shoshana Walter with the Center for Investigative Reporting filed a routine public records request with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department for a...

An attempt to sucker-punch home growers

On Nov. 6, 2012, 55 percent of the voters in Boulder County voted for Proposition 64, an amendment to the Colorado Constitution to legalize...

Letters: 3/17/16

Profanity One of the many depressing aspects of the recent presidential debates is the low level to which the Republican Party has fallen — culminating...

A prominent law professor talks immigration

It wasn’t that long ago that George W. Bush was a champion for the legalization of undocumented workers and Senators John McCain (R-Arizona) and...

‘Encounters 2016’ spotlights printmakers

After meticulously carving out the perfect design, it is time to put the first round of ink onto the stamp and press it onto...

ICUMI: There are 12 countries happier than us, and prison food...

There are 12 countries happier than us. In the latest trivial-Buzzfeed-like-listicle-that-is-arbitrary-and-doesn’t-really-mean-anything news, Denmark has been deemed the happiest country in the world by the...

Rules for Radicals and The Donald

You’ve probably heard about Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Ever wonder what they were? Alinsky, who died in 1972, is sometimes seen as the father...

It’s time for Commissioners to show some backbone

On Tuesday, March 16, the Open Space Advisory Committee voted 5-3 to recommend that certain GMOs be allowed to continue growing on Boulder County’s...

Marco Benevento’s vision quest

Marco Benevento lives in Woodstock, New York, with his wife and kids, some farm animals, and Fred Short. Well, to be precise, Fred isn’t exactly...

A warrior lost

We are lucky to live in Colorado. Sure the mountains and recreation are great but that’s not what I’m talking about. We are lucky...

Finding non-creeps for fantasy play

Dear Dan: I’m a 27-year-old, feminist, conventionally attractive, straightish, GGG woman. Over time, my tastes have changed, and now I find myself more of...