Best of Boulder 2013: Marijuana Referral and Wellness Center

Brittney Bauer of The Dandelion

MMJ Referral Service

5377 Manhattan Circle, Ste. 204, 720-273-3568

Second Place: Grassroots Medical Clinic
Third Place: Healthy Choices Unlimited
Fourth Place: Ageless Medicine

the passage of Amendment 64, retail marijuana stores haven’t popped up
yet, and no one knows how long it will take the city to hammer out
regulations for recreational pot shops. So get your red card. (There is
simply no other way to get weed in Boulder, as everyone knows.
Marijuana was virtually nonexistent before Amendment 20 was passed,
allowing medical marijuana in Colorado.) Dr. Joe Cohen at Holos Health is known for compassion and professionalism.

MMJ Wellness Center

845 Walnut St., 303-459-4676

Second Place: The Farm/Root Organic
Third Place: Helping Hands Herbals
Fourth Place: 14er Holistics
Fifth Place: Boulder Medical Marijuana Dispensary

For medical marijuana store ambiance, you can’t beat The Dandelion. Even
the name makes you think of something quaint, like making wishes while
blowing on a dandelion’s whispy white top. If you were wishing you could
shop for legal marijuana in a cute, converted cottage sandwiched
between a bar and an Indian restaurant, your prayers have been answered.
If you were hoping to see surprisingly massive jars behind the counter,
they’ve got that covered, too. And the jars contain so much good
medicine, apparently, that The Dandelion was robbed by a criminal armed
with bear spray in January 2013. (Unfortunately, this is not a joke,
despite the mention of both dandelions and bears. People needed medical
treatment.) Maybe when recreational marijuana regulations are finalized,
you’ll see people enjoying marijuana on the Dandelion’s cute porch. Who
knows? Or maybe they’ll be toking on the patio seating at the bar or
restaurant on either side.


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