The Anderson Files

Housing is a human right

Housing is really the foundation of so many of our social structures and without it, people just can’t succeed.” — Cathy Alderman of the...

Moving left

The Intercept said it was “a remarkable display of grassroots power.” In These Times said it was “the most radical development yet” in the...

What did Kevin McCarthy know and when did he know it?

It’s too early to know the impact of Trump’s second impeachment trial. Many millions watched it on TV, but the size of the audience...

U.S. being treated like a developing nation

You know the old story of U.S.-based multinational corporations moving plants to the developing world, where they have a more “business-friendly,” unregulated environment under...

Fracking: Too late for ‘small and easy progress’

Across the globe, the movement to ban fracking is growing. France, Germany, Scotland, Ireland and the Netherlands have stopped this dangerous practice. So have...

Is Bernie a socialist, a commie or just a New Deal...

Back in 2016, it seemed unlikely that Bernie Sanders would win the Democratic nomination, much less the presidency. So there wasn’t as much of...

Medicare for All is a solution for the pandemic crisis

It gets tiresome staying at home (if you are able to) or wearing a mask and social distancing when encountering other humans. So you...

Trump’s trial run for a fascist state

A few weeks ago, Trump tweeted that he will quickly deport millions of undocumented immigrants from this country. “They will be removed as fast...

Who is George Soros, the right wing’s boogeyman?

Many people heard about George Soros for the first time when he denounced George W. Bush’s “war on terror,” lies about Saddam Hussein being...

Pushing for Medicare expansion and social transformation

In the 2020 Democratic Party primaries, the progressive wing won on the issues. Most Americans support Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, $15...

The stench of fascism

It’s no longer possible to ignore the stench of fascism. After a Trump worshipper attempted to assassinate numerous prominent targets of the president’s ire,...

Democracy and ordinary people

“Freedom is never given; it is won. A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic,...