
Why Bernie will, should and must stay in the race

Surprisingly, this week’s prize for Stupidest Political Comment in the presidential race doesn’t go to Donnie Trump or Ted Cruz. Rather, that honor goes to...

Letters: 4/21/16

Danish BS Just a note for Mr. Danish in response to his column on Donald Trump getting ripped off for Colorado delegates: Whatever you...

CU needs to give Nike a swift kick

A university should be a critic and conscience of society, according to an old-fashioned view. There are lofty goals on campus plaques and universities...

ColoradoCare: You can handle the truth

The current healthcare system has all the hallmarks of an abusive relationship. Well, it’s what we know. Maybe it’ll change. It would be hard...

Sullied bedfellows

Connecting dots is generally considered to be a child’s game. But when applied to politics and all of its bedfellows who usually come out...

Panama Papers reveal scandalous hypocrisy

It’s said that there’s nothing more vicious than a wild animal that’s cornered, but I’d add that there’s nothing more devious than a top...

Letters: 4/14/16

Please sign this petition Operators of the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge want the Rocky Mountain Greenway — a trail for hiking, biking and horseback...

Community rights versus environmental destruction: Time to turn the page

In the fall of 2013, a group of community members fighting to ban fracking in Lafayette met with our local State Representative, Mike Foote....

How to make billboards uglier

Okay people, we need to discuss billboards. Yes, we really must. At best, these giant corporate placards are problematic — they garishly loom over us,...

The Donald (a whining loser) and the caucuses

Donald Trump is howling like a stuck pig over getting his ass kicked by the Cruz campaign last weekend, which won all 34 of...

Good judgment or Clinton

There hasn’t been much serious debate about foreign policy in the presidential race. The Republicans promise endless war and offer only bluster and B.S....

How clueless can the GOP establishment get?

Exciting news, people! The Republican Party’s establishment has a secret plan to stop its blue-collar voters from supporting Donnie Trump. Their plan is code-named:...