
Who needs Wall Street giants?

JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and the other Wall Street behemoths that dominate American banking — who needs ‘em...

Insider tips profit biggest hedge funds

The high-rollers who run Wall Street’s top hedge funds essentially gamble with other people’s money, betting billions of dollars on such stuff as whether XYZ Corporation’s third-quarter profits will be one point lower than forecast. Doing this, they assert, is ...

The bad seed strikes again

Any remake of the 1950s movie The Bad Seed should cast Monsanto in the title role...

Flagging the lies of Big Oil’s frackers on the 4th of...

Big Oil’s frigging frackers are wrapping their shameless profiteering in our flag...

Repeal the Patriot Act

It’s back. The Patriot Act — a grotesque, ever-mutating, hydra-headed monstrosity from the Bush-Cheney Little Shop of Horrors — has risen again, this time with an added twist of Orwellian intrusiveness from the Obamacans...

A Congress of comics: Laugh ’til it hurts

And now, Dr. Hightower offers this advice for improving your mental health: Don’t fume about the GOP’s lunatic effort to kill health care reform — just laugh at their farcical show...

The educated working poor: Adjunct professors

There’s a growing army of the working poor in our USofA, and big contingents of it are now on the march. They’re strategizing, organizing and mobilizing against the immoral economics of inequality being hung around America’s neck by the likes of Walmart, McDonald’s...

Citigroup becomes its own self-serving lawmaker

Perhaps you recall from high school civics class that neat flow chart showing the beautiful democratic process for passing a law through Congress...

Finger-pointing in the gun rights fight

Boulder writer Dan Baum planned to write a book on guns in America which would be “apolitical, nonpolemical cultural anthropology, played sometimes for laughs.” But his timing was bad. His book, Gun Guys: A Road Trip, was published in the middle of a volatile ...

New federal emissions rules would choke U.S. economy

Yellowstone National Park is a pristine display of natural beauty. Starting this year, however, the Environmental Protection Agency will give it a new designation: “Out of Compliance...

A modest proposal to protect members of Congress

I have a modest proposal for increasing the security for U.S. Congressmen without isolating them from their constituents anymore than they already are...

Letters | Fight to protect dispensaries

Fight to protect dispensaries (Re: “Seed-to-sale surveillance,” cover story, June 2.) Hopefully, everyone who saw the barcode on the picture of a cannabis leaf on the front of the Boulder Weekly realized that something has gone terribly wrong in Colorado. The purpose...