
Funny business

Seth Meyers is living the dream...

Jesus, Mary and Rudy

Going to the theatre comes with a certain level of risk, and no, I’m not referring to the extremely off chance of being steered into a life of flying rodent-themed superherodom due to the untimely murder of your parents after a performance of Die Fledermaus. Theater ...


There’s an unnamed but pervasive phenomenon widely known by literary agents, publishers and film and theater festival submissions agents that is best summarized as “early novel syndrome,” in which someone with a clear and focused talent for writing/acting/filmmaking ...

Old Testament 101

Based on my recent visit to Jesters Dinner Theatre in Longmont, one thing is abundantly clear: Jesters has recommitted itself to being the best darn dinner theatre it can be...

Just a kiss

Putting on a play is one complicated proposition. Think about how difficult it is to coordinate with a small handful of your friends for a Saturday night jaunt to Pearl Street or (gasp!) Denver and you immediately get the idea. A director must choose a play, and ...


Do parents still teach their children to “respect your elders,” or has that onetime de rigueur parental mandate gone the way of the dodo, cassette tapes and sex without the specter of AIDS? Judging from reality television and my last 23-year-old girlfriend, I’m going...

Philately attraction

Did you know that Mauritius is a tiny island just east of Madagascar? Neither did I. That Mauritius was the sole, native home of the now extinct Dodo bird, and that Mauritius was only the fifth country ever to issue postage stamps, were also facts that had, until now...

A thriller in the second degree

Experiencing a theater company for the first time is very much like going on a blind date. High hopes compete with trepidation. The possibilities are limitless. You might discover your soul mate, or you could end up with a hefty tab and a nasty case of crabs. ...

I love Shrew-cy

If Front Range theater were baseball, the Denver Center Theatre Company would be the Major League. Walking into the Stage Theatre is like walking into a pro ballpark. The energy crackles in a way that it simply doesn’t in many smaller venues, and audience ...

When therapy and performance collide

Audience interaction is the bread and butter of any improvisational theater — in comedic shows, even just the mention of the next game of the evening will usually invite an eruption of suggestions from an eager crowd. But for troupes like Playback Theatre West, ...

Just like real life

Have you ever seen the movie Color of Night? Starring Bruce Willis prior to his Pulp Fiction-fueled career renaissance and co-starring an almost always-naked Jane March (as well as decidedly more clothed ’90s perennials Lesley Ann Warren, Scott Bakula, Brad Dourif, ...


Saturday, August 9: Bolder Acts Triple Header Event. 7 p.m. Nomad Theatre, 1410 Quince Ave., Boulder, 303-443-7510...