
Experiential sex ed

  Like taking a tour through Glacier Ice Cream, sex education comes in many flavors. One flavor offers abstinence-based education, the message of which is to refrain from sex before marriage. Another flavor is a comprehensive sex education that includes an ...

Some Presents Don’t Fit Under the Christmas Tree

Dear Readers,Each holiday season I become more introspective. Recently, I counted my blessings and I realized how fortunate I am to have a great doctor. Feeling well is one of the best gifts in life.   My story is about one man who has made it his mission to help ...

The goods on grapefruit and medications that won’t mix

Dear Pharmacist, My medication label suddenly warns not to eat grapefruit, but is this a serious interaction? Reason I ask is because I love to eat it, and nothing has happened to me so far.  --K.A., Tulsa, OklahomaAnswer: Then stay consistent with your eating habits...

Sweet Relief for Coughing Children

Dear Pharmacist...

Maybe Your Body Needs an Oil Change?

Dear Pharmacist,I heard you say that cooking with “vegetable oil” was your least favorite oil. It’s all I’ve ever used. Why don’t you like it, and what oils should we cook with? --R.E. Austin, Texas...

The season’s sexual stress

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Olympic-winning sex: Go for the gold

When it comes to sexuality, does your sex life make it to the finals in Vancouver? For the bronze, all we need to attain is basic functioning and a sufficient quality of connection. To win silver, we need to move from sufficient to satisfying. Getting the gold ...

Avoid Side Effects By Timing Your Medications Properly

Dear Pharmacist, I’m having trouble sleeping and I’m wondering if it has something to do with my new medications. I’ve begun taking sertraline (Zoloft) for depression at night and hydrocodone for pain which I take every morning. The problem is that I feel like a ...