
Give Thanks for Cinnamon and All It’s Health Benefits

Dear Pharmacist, I dread holiday meals. There’s so much great food, and it’s so hard to resist. Is there any good news in the midst of this orgy of over-indulgence? --A.F. Denver, ColoradoAnswer: Yes, the spices of the holiday season are good for you, but rule number...

Potassium Perfects Blood Pressure

Dear Pharmacist...

Avoid Side Effects By Timing Your Medications Properly

Dear Pharmacist, I’m having trouble sleeping and I’m wondering if it has something to do with my new medications. I’ve begun taking sertraline (Zoloft) for depression at night and hydrocodone for pain which I take every morning. The problem is that I feel like a ...

Amorous aging

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Getting jiggy with the G-spot

Debbie, 44 years old, just found her G-spot. She has always enjoyed clitoral orgasms — alone and with a partner. She had heard about the elusive G-spot, but never found it until Jeremy. She married Jeremy five years ago, and as their marriage flourished, he ...

Role out that costume again

Officer Greg bent Cindy over and slapped handcuffs on her wrist. She pleaded that she had not committed a crime...

Super Charge your Electrical System with Coconuts

Dear Pharmacist,My son is a lineman who climbs a lot in heat of the desert here in California. He sweats so much with all the equipment he wears that it makes him cramp. He drinks plenty of water and Gatorade. Besides foods high in potassium, can he take a supplement...