
5 Easy Steps for a Medicine Cabinet Make-over

Dear Pharmacist, I saw you on TV the other day, talking about medicine cabinets and how to clean them out.  I caught the tail-end of the segment, can you explain more about that in your column. I’m sure everyone can benefit.  --M.L., Orlando, FloridaAnswer:  Sure, ...

Wash Your Mouth Out- It Prevents Heart Disease

Dear Pharmacist,Heart disease runs in my family so naturally, I’m worried. A friend told me that brushing your teeth can prevent heart disease. I was polite, but I don’t believe him. Can this be true? --K.M., Sanibel, FloridaAnswer:  You’re friend is right so how ...

Careful before you kiss and tell

Karen Owen had sex with 13 guys at Duke University. She kept scrupulous notes about her activities. She gossiped about it with girlfriends. Then it leaked all over the Internet...

Denial is not just a river in Egypt

Monica blew Bill. Mark masqueraded to Argentina. Elliott entertained an escort. Tiger transgressed with many, then crashed into a tree...

The pleasure-pain threshold

Dear Dr. Jenni, My girlfriend likes to be handcuffed and blindfolded during sex. I’ve gotten used to this and can find it rather fun at times. Now she is asking for more things. She wants me to paddle her hard on her legs and even slap her face. I can’t seem to take ...

Safe and SexEdating!

0 Since the dawn of the electronic age, online dating was regarded, fairly or not, as being unsexy, unsafe and for the socially awkward. But as more aspects of our everyday life migrate to the online world, the stigma has faded. ...

Saffron Spice and Supplements Help From Head to Toe

Dear Pharmacist,I crave saffron, and have loved this spice for many years but stopped buying it because it’s expensive. I know you are educated with herbs, can you tell me if there are any health benefits? --T.S. Ocala, FloridaAnswer: Great question, I love saffron ...

‘Beet’ someone you love

Dear Pharmacist...