
10 ways to green your holiday

BYOB(ag) and Skip the Fluff — Bring your own bag and pass on the tissue paper, ribbons and stickers that so often accompany even the smallest holiday purchases. Forego complimentary gift wrapping and wrap gifts creatively in environmentally friendly ways (see #6, “...

Gear up and get out

If the holidays with the family inspire one thing outside of joy, compassion and a sense of familial love and the brotherhood of man, it’s the desire to get the heck out of doors and leave the noise behind. But in the interest of sharing the love with the outdoor ...

Holiday Events 2011

Thursday, Dec. 8 / events It’s a Wonderful Life — Presented by Colorado Shakespeare Festival. 7 p.m. University Theatre, CU campus, 303-492- 0554...

Stocking stuffers that make a difference

Stocking stuffers can sometimes contribute to the arguably unfestive aspects of the holiday season. Oftentimes stockings are stuffed with unhealthy and unsustainable stuff like candy loaded with high fructose corn syrup, silly little plastic toys that immediately get...

Holiday bump

The long lines and packed parking lots and overplayed Christmas carols of the holiday season might be a pain for shoppers, but they’re music to the ears — and bottom lines — of retailers. Big-box electronic stores and gargantuan mega-marts are not the only retailers ...

Gifts for the gear nut

The technology used in headlamps for backpacking and camping has continued to grow by leaps and bounds over the past year, and local outdoor equipment shop managers put them at the top of their list for holiday gift-giving...

Geared up for the holidays

Expensive mountaineering gear is not generally where you want to drop a lot of cash on a trendy item. There are a few items popping up in outdoor stores this year that may last longer than this year’s snowfall, but the debate is still on over rocker skis...

Rubber, fashion and a greener gift to give

As she floated down Boulder Creek on a summer afternoon in 2002, Heather English says, she realized that the smooth black rubber of her inner tube might be just the thing to satisfy her search for a vegan handbag. Her hunt for one in Boulder had yielded no results, ...

Give memories, not things: active gifts

With winter comes a host of new things to do outdoors, which often lead to the best presents of all: lasting memories...

Stocking success

Stockings are one of the better things about the holidays. Stuffing them requires imagination and knowledge of the receiver beyond a specific list of desired presents, and you have a small space to prove you have it. If you’re stumped, here are a few ideas for what ...

Keep your holiday dollars here

From late November through December, “holiday shopping” takes center stage in business and economic news. Black Friday — one day of conspicuous consumption — can set the tone for the nation’s entire economic outlook. And if a single day of personal spending can do ...

A local book buyer’s guide to the best children’s books

Liesl Freudenstein spends a lot of time reading children’s books. And not just because she has a 6-year-old and a 9-year-old at home...