
Thinking inside the box

The season’s hottest DVD and CD box sets...

Keeping your tax dollars home

For every dollar spent in retail stores in Boulder, about 3.5 cents in tax revenue goes to the city to improve services for residents and businesses, including open space expansion and enhancement, road maintenance, and development of parks, trails, and recreational ...


If you’re shopping for gifts on a budget, you should know it differs from shopping for yourself: Ramen is generally not a much-appreciated present, and a card that says “Just wear the same clothes another year” in lieu of a gift doesn’t fly...

Eat, drink and be local

It’s time for your big holiday feast, and you’ve decided to go as local as possible. You have your ham from Fox Fire Farms, cheeses from Haystack Mountain Goat Dairy, desserts from Kim & Jake’s Cakes and your wine from — France? To make your meal truly local, try ...

Make an impact this holiday season

It has begun. Not the holiday season — that’s still officially one week away — but rather Boulder Weekly’s Buy Local Month, part of our year-round I Love Local campaign. Starting this week, Boulder Weekly urges you to shop conscientiously for holiday food and gifts ...

A little bling helps make the holiday bright

Ornaments and tinsel aren’t exclusive to holiday celebrations. Adorn yourself or your loved one with a little glitz this holiday season by buying from a locally owned jewelry store. Each store stands out because of the unique selection that it offers, whether that be...

What to read (and give) this season

Books make for great holiday gifts. Here’s a quick roundup of what’s out this season. Snag your copy from the Boulder Book Store (1107 Pearl St.; or the Colorado “On the Hill” Bookstore (1111 Broadway;

Outdoor gifts

You probably already knew that Colorado has a lot going on when it comes to winter recreation. After all, the state is home to world-class resorts like Vail, world-class events like the Dew Tour’s Breckenridge stop and world-class variety, with choices ranging from ...

Holiday Gifts: Kids at heart

3DOODLER 2.0 3D PRINT PEN ($89.99...

Homemade for the holidays

Blame the Internet. Access to the World Wide Web full of ideas and a community of customers has sparked new legions of do-it-yourselfers, and made it possible for more people to make a living, or at least a side income, on jewelry, clothes, accessories and other ...

Holiday Events Calendar 2010

Thursday, Dec. 9...

Wasting away

It’s no secret that with the holidays comes mass consumption of everything from gifts to food to greeting cards, which also means 1 million extra tons of waste every week between Thanksgiving and Christmas...