Holiday bump


Gifts that matter



Seasonings greetings

When the holidays roll around, it usually means good food — and lots of it. We decided to reach out to prominent local chefs to find out what their favorite dishes are during this special time of year. In addition to the recipe, each chef has provided a short summary...

Gifts for gamers

If you are the type that still actually reads for fun, then you might need some help finding a video game for the gamer on your list. Here is a brief guide to help you out...

2011 Gift Guide II

´Tis the season for getting a little frantic. Your schedule is crammed, your to-do lists are long and your to-buy-for list is much longer than your list of what-to-buy ideas. We get it. So before you get all strung out on eggnog lattes and start swarming the mall ...

Eco-friendly toys

Your children may have smaller feet than you, but their carbon footprints are just as big as yours. Buy your child ecofriendly toys this year. Pass up the toys with the excess packaging, toxins and BPD and opt for a toy made from reclaimed materials. Shop locally for...

Hopped with love

What do you get for the beer lover in your life that has everything? Or more appropriately, has tried every Kolsch, Baltic porter and barleywine money can buy...

Merry mixology

Put down the eggnog and open your liquor cabinet. Dust off those alcohol bottles and invite some friends over for these classic and curious holiday cocktails created by mixologists from the Happy Noodle House’s Bitter Bar and Tahona Tequila Bistro. Cheers...

A little bling helps make the holiday bright

Ornaments and tinsel aren’t exclusive to holiday celebrations. Adorn yourself or your loved one with a little glitz this holiday season by buying from a locally owned jewelry store. Each store stands out because of the unique selection that it offers, whether that be...

Game on!

Some people consider it family time when they pile on the couch for the latest installment of The Biggest Loser or Survivor: South Pacific. But chances are, you’re going to leave your kids with more lasting memories and intellectual stimulation if you switch off the ...

Homemade for the holidays

Blame the Internet. Access to the World Wide Web full of ideas and a community of customers has sparked new legions of do-it-yourselfers, and made it possible for more people to make a living, or at least a side income, on jewelry, clothes, accessories and other ...

Gear of the Year: Five items you won’t want to live...

Christmas is coming, but the ski and snowboard season has already started. Regardless of whether you’re celebrating the start of winter, adding a few “special” items to that gift list, stoking out a friend with an early December birthday or rewarding yourself...

Palatable presents

Everyone loves food. This holiday season, why not nurture the love of eating by gifting something delicious? From homemade goodies to unique kitchen gadgets, this guide will help holiday shoppers please even the pickiest eater in town. Here’s what to get for...

Play on

The Thanksgiving turkey is barely off the table when my 6-year-old son starts jabbering on about Christmas. When will we get our tree? Can we hang the lights tonight? We should put some carols on. Can I watch a Christmas DVD? And, naturally, the famous inquiry about ...