Tag: photography

Exposure therapy

One of the grittiest expeditions of Keith Ladzinski’s life was his first assignment for National Geographic.  In 2012, he journeyed to Antarctica on a team...

Now you see me

“I hate the governor in Texas,” says 8-year-old Reece.  The second-grader is sitting alongside their mom for an interview with photographer Jesse Freidin, who has...

Framing ‘the frontier’

The underlying myths of the so-called “Wild West” may be suspect at best, but the natural grandeur of its backdrop is without question. That...

Dammed river

The Colorado River has served as a centerpiece for so much of the mythology and literature written about the American West. From books like John...

Marshall Fire photos

Megan Sweeney is a local filmmaker and photographer who lives in Louisville and took photos of destroyed homes, firefighters, families and more to document...