The Highroad

Bankers keep running with illegal foreclosures

Two-year-olds often go running around the house too wildly and crash into something. They get an “ouchie” and fall down crying, but they learn from it...

Breaking corporate control of politics

Imagine if a couple of national leaders dared to stand up to the corporate powers that have taken control of government. Imagine if one of them came right out and said, “I [am] fed up of living in a country ruled by lies, cynicism and greed.” And imagine if these ...

Shoving America back to the Great Recession

The core economic problem we’re facing today is that both unemployment and underemployment are rampant, stifling any hope for real recovery and threatening the very survival of our essential middle class...

The good ship Goldman sets sail for Singapore

Goldman Sachs is making news again, though it’s doing its damnedest to keep it quiet and to suppress any outbreak of political outrage from either the public or Washington...

Massey Energy’s man-made hellhole

West Virginia’s Upper Big Branch coal mine was a disaster even before it exploded into an underground hell last year, killing 29 miners. A new investigative report by federal safety inspectors found that this mine — owned by the enormously profitable Massey ...

No more Americans should die for Karzai

One person was giddy with excitement upon hearing President Obama’s announcement that all of America’s combat troops would depart from Afghanistan by 2014: Hamid Karzai...

Billionaires hiding behind the hedge

If  your job paid $50,000 a year and you stayed at it for 47 years, your tally for a lifetime of work would be $2.4 million. Not bad — but hedge-fund hustler John Paulson pulled down that much last year...

A little less corporate political corruption

Come on, Obama, do it!  Stand up, stand tall, stand firm! Yes, you can! The president is thinking about issuing an executive order that would mitigate some of the damage done to our democracy by the Supreme Court’s dastardly Citizens United edict, which unleashes ...

Big Coal buys access to 4th graders

If some predator was stalking fourth graders in your community, there’d be a mighty uproar to make the predator get away and stay away from your schools...

Alec’s legislative bawdy house

Do you know Alec? You probably do, even though you never heard of it. Yes, “it.” Not a person, ALEC is the acronym for a secretive, corporate-funded, state policy front group: American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC’s “exchange” is very straightforward — it ...

Offshore corporate havens come onshore

From Enron to Wall Street, a big cause of America’s major financial collapses in the past decade has been simple deceit. Finaglers used secret offshore accounts and dummy subsidiaries in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere to avoid regulatory scrutiny and to make ...

What’s inside Big Oil’s head?

As one politician bluntly said of Washington’s annual tax giveaway to massively profitable oil corporations, “We don’t need incentives to the oil and gas companies to explore. There are plenty of incentives.” That was no lefty talking — it was George W. Bush...