The Highroad

A tomato tale that’s hard to stomach

"I’m 98 percent confident we can make a tomato that tastes substantially better,” Professor Harry Klee recently exulted to The New York Times...

Let’s adopt the GOP’s national platform

Well, I didn’t expect this! The National Republican Party has published an official policy document showing that the GOP really might be more than a...

Seeing China from the new World Trade Center

You can knock us Americans down, but you can’t keep us down...

The Supreme coup

Desite 234 years of progress toward the American ideal of equality for all, we still have to battle unfairness...

Help cure Sallie Mae’s sugar addiction

Sallie Mae is not one of those girls who’re made of “sugar and spice and everything nice.” Well, she is filled with sugar, but it comes from you and me, thanks to a longtime sweetheart deal she has from the federal government...

Lawmakers dance with the devil

If you choose to dance with the devil, never flatter yourself that you're in the lead...

Kissing bankers’ butts

Oh them wild and naughty bankers! What in the world will those rapacious rapscallions of Wall Street do next? Just recently, we learned from Kenneth Feinberg, the government’s special investigator of banker pay, that top executives of 17 financial giants ...

Misdemeanors for the rich

Here’s a crime drama, tragedy and farce — all in one play...

Help Elizabeth Warren fight the madness

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. That was the title of a kooky 1960s movie, but an even kookier sequel could be made today starring the mad, mad, mad, mad Republican leaders of the U.S. House...

Paulson’s plaintive plea

Who´s the most befuddled Wall Streeter of all? The richest guy on the Street...

A more genteel political corruption

Not only does corporate political money shout, scream, bellow and bay in our elections, but afterwards it quietly slips into the back rooms of power to talk softly about payback...