The Highroad

How to lift up America’s middle class

Some days, I get a bad case of “trichotillomania” an irresistible compulsion to tear out my hair...

Putting traumatized immigrant children out of sight

In June, our immigrant-bashing president ordered an end to his own warped policy of forcibly tearing terrified migrant children from the arms of their...

Bankers keep running with illegal foreclosures

Two-year-olds often go running around the house too wildly and crash into something. They get an “ouchie” and fall down crying, but they learn from it...

America’s war

America’s political history has been written in the fierce narrative of war. Not our country’s many military clashes with foreign nations — but our...

Plenty of American jobs

By gollies, America is still an exporting powerhouse. In fact, our corporate chieftains have made us number one in exporting America’s most precious goods — our jobs, factories, technologies and middle-class opportunities...

Brand New Congress

What if progressive organizers and volunteers joined forces to run a nationwide campaign to replace today’s corporate-owned Congress — all at once? Yes, one sweeping...

Get a whiff of ‘synthetic biology’

It’s always inspiring to see global corporate giants crush small farmers, stomp on nature, circumvent our laws by hook or crook, and deceive and gouge consumers...

How to make Labor Day matter again

It’s practically unanimous: Nine out of 10 establishment economists agree that America’s solid job growth and the low unemployment rate truly make ours “the...

How do you like subsidizing corporate crime?

Headlines periodically blare that this regulator or that has imposed another jaw-dropping assessment on some gross polluter or other corporate criminal. “Justice Department Slaps...

GOP ‘mad as a hatter’ about EPA mercury regs

Why do congressional Republicans hate unborn babies...

The fountainpen economy

Even the word “greed” is not negative enough to characterize the all-out assault on workers by today’s corporate elite...

How Koch-headed billionaires plan to ‘save’ America

The Koch boys live in their own special world, enshrouded in a rarefied atmosphere created by the fumes emanating from their family’s enormous stockpiles of wealth...