The Highroad

Corporate America toys with desperate job applicants

Great news, people. As a recent headline puts it: “Household wealth back at pre-recession levels.” Oh joy — we’re all rich again...

Can sanity finally conquer reefer madness?

Besides being founders of our Republic, what did Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have in common? Answer: Hemp...

Wall Street gets giddy over the urge to merge

Uh-oh. You always have to worry when you hear that there’s a new “air of giddiness on Wall Street...

The bad seed strikes again

Any remake of the 1950s movie The Bad Seed should cast Monsanto in the title role...

Just say No-No to nanos

Have you had your minimum daily requirement of “nanos” today...

Monsanto vs. Mother Nature: Guess who’s winning?

If you fool with Mother Nature, she’ll most likely fool with you — usually in very unpleasant ways...

Outlawing exposes of factory farm horrors

Big Ag has a big problem — but it’s come up with a neat solution...

The joke of ‘corporate governance’

Wall Streeters are all atwitter about the comeuppance of Jamie Dimon, the haughty CEO of JPMorgan Chase. Last year, poor Jamie presided over a $6 billion loss by the bank’s chief investment office, so he’s now had his own pay cut in half, knocking him down to $11.5 ...

The ‘Beckinization’ of the far right

Perhaps you thought that, surely, the far right wing in American politics couldn’t get any nuttier. If so, you clearly hadn’t factored in Glenn Beck...

Who’s behind ‘Fix the Debt’?

Look out — the “fixers” are coming. Top corporate chieftains and Wall Street gamblers want to tell Washington how to fix our national debt, so they’ve created a front group called “Fix the Debt” to push their agenda. Unfortunately, they’re using “fix” in the same way...

Why do universities need a C.M.O.?

A new fad is sweeping across America’s university campuses — and it’s seriously goofy...

Is nothing sacred to frackers?

Such energy powers as BP, ExxonMobil, Halliburton and Koch Industries have gone crackers over fracking...