
Punishing poverty, subsidizing billionaires

In this season of the fall harvest, Congress is proving once again that it is a very poor gardener — it keeps watering the weeds and pulling the flowers. A conference committee is presently meeting to hash out a new, five-year farm bill, and what a hash they’re ...

Millionaire lawmakers can rise above their financial handicap

Mark Twain spoke for me when he said: “I’m opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position...

Economists find creative solution to US unemployment

Excellent news, people. Let me put it to you as a number: 8.7 million...

The pleasant surprises of October

Tipping point alert: October 2013 may go down as the month that American public opinion decisively tipped in favor of legalizing marijuana and consigning 76 years of vicious prohibitionist reefer madness to history’s landfill...

Why the latest climate report will be ignored

I spent some time last Sunday reading news stories about the latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was formally unveiled in Berlin the same day...

My persons of the year

Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” this year was a collective award: The Ebola Fighters...

Letters | Downside of natural gas

Correction: The photograph that accompanied the article “Shades of White” in our July 7 issue was incorrectly attributed. Credit for the photograph should have gone to Dave Shults. Boulder Weekly regrets the error...

Letters | Misleading frack job

Misleading frack job...

Letters | Follow Longmont’s example

Boulder County as a whole needs to follow the example of Longmont and pass a ban on fracking throughout the entire county. Article 2, Section 3 of the Colorado Constitution states: “Section 3. Inalienable rights. All persons have certain natural, essential and ...

Letters | Homeless kids in Boulder


Letters | The duel over guns

Correction: A Jan. 10 Boulderganic story, “Paving a contaminated parkway,” mistakenly referred to Rocky Flats as the Rocky Mountain Arsenal...

Letters | We need Xcel’s poles, wires

Correction: In the June 20 edition of Boulderganic magazine, the article “Straight to the Point” incorrectly stated that physical therapist Jan Dommerholt was involved with a court case in 2009 in Oregon. The story incorrectly suggested that dry needling cannot be ...