
Return of the Katrina trailers

boulderweekly.com/highroad They’re baaaack. The Creepy Creatures from Hurricane Katrina are reappearing on the Gulf Coast, having been raised from the dead. These creatures are the infamous contaminated trailers that federal emergency officials bought and set up in...

The big score in this year’s Super Bowl

For me, the most significant statistic coming out of this year’s Super Bowl was not the 31-25 score in the Green Bay Packers’ hard-fought victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. Nor was it the $1.3 billion cost of the new, monstrously huge football palace built by ...

High spirits at the top

If you want to know how the economy is doing, don’t bother checking the Dow Jones Average or tracking the unemployment numbers...

A little less corporate political corruption

Come on, Obama, do it!  Stand up, stand tall, stand firm! Yes, you can! The president is thinking about issuing an executive order that would mitigate some of the damage done to our democracy by the Supreme Court’s dastardly Citizens United edict, which unleashes ...

Yee-haw! Perry for president

The higher the monkey climbs, the more you see of its ugly side...

A fracking conflict of interest

ExxonMobil, Halliburton and other giants of the hydraulic fracturing industry not only are fracking deep gas wells all over our country, they’re also trying to frack our heads...

Tilling our public treasury

Some aspects of American agriculture are quite odd. For example, to meet a farmer these days, there’s no need for you to venture out to the hinterland — because thousands of them actually are city slickers...

The agonizingly slow pace of a fast food giant

The appeal of fast food chains has not been their food (mostly fat, salty, sugary, empty-calorie blah), but their speed...

Punishing poverty, subsidizing billionaires

In this season of the fall harvest, Congress is proving once again that it is a very poor gardener — it keeps watering the weeds and pulling the flowers. A conference committee is presently meeting to hash out a new, five-year farm bill, and what a hash they’re ...

Millionaire lawmakers can rise above their financial handicap

Mark Twain spoke for me when he said: “I’m opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position...

Economists find creative solution to US unemployment

Excellent news, people. Let me put it to you as a number: 8.7 million...

The pleasant surprises of October

Tipping point alert: October 2013 may go down as the month that American public opinion decisively tipped in favor of legalizing marijuana and consigning 76 years of vicious prohibitionist reefer madness to history’s landfill...