
Have we accidentally prevented another ice age?

Sometimes you learn the darnedest things if you read a news story all the way to the end...

Letters | Don’t forget the mercury at Xcel’s Valmont plant

(Re: “Is city’s municipalization plan the next ghost at Valmont Butte?” News, Feb. 28.) You guys hardly mentioned mercury. Fly ash doesn’t get all of it, especially when burning dirty coal...

Corporate America toys with desperate job applicants

Great news, people. As a recent headline puts it: “Household wealth back at pre-recession levels.” Oh joy — we’re all rich again...

Letters | A miss on municipalization

The BW article “Municipalization minefield” (cover story, Feb. 28) does an excellent job highlighting the economic complexities surrounding the City’s effort to create a municipally owned electric utility, but it lacks in offering a holistic perspective...

Can sanity finally conquer reefer madness?

Besides being founders of our Republic, what did Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have in common? Answer: Hemp...

A gentleman’s C for the pot task force

I’ve been reading the recommendations of the Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force. They mostly remind me of Mark Twain’s description of Wagner’s music: “It’s better than it sounds.” But just barely...

Letters | A leguminous error

Just wanted to point out an incorrect statement in the article, “Quinoa Conundrum,” in the Feb. 28 issue...

Wall Street gets giddy over the urge to merge

Uh-oh. You always have to worry when you hear that there’s a new “air of giddiness on Wall Street...

Letters | Erie mayor fracks with nature

Erie mayor fracks with nature...

The bad seed strikes again

Any remake of the 1950s movie The Bad Seed should cast Monsanto in the title role...

Want to bring back the draft? Here’s how.

There he goes again. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York, has reintroduced his perennial bill to bring back the draft...

Letters | Conspiracy theories are sometimes warranted

(Re: “The new era of conspiracy thinking,” commentary, Feb. 7.) Who are the real conspiracy theorists? I can agree with Mr. Dyer that there are nutcases out there, but I suggest he look into who is to blame for an epidemic of conspiracy theorists. I partially blame ...