Guest Columns

Affordable housing the community can support

Like much of the nation, Boulder is experiencing housing affordability challenges. Though Boulder has implemented a variety of affordable housing policies, we continue to...

Vote No on 71 to protect direct democracy

Citizen access to our last vestige of direct democracy — the statewide ballot initiative — is under attack. As organizers of recent ballot initiatives...

Rachel Carson and Rocky Flats

In 2018, The Library of America published Rachel Carson: Silent Spring and Other Writings on the Environment. Carson is famous for bringing to the...

ColoradoCare: You can handle the truth

The current healthcare system has all the hallmarks of an abusive relationship. Well, it’s what we know. Maybe it’ll change. It would be hard...

See how they run!

Last week, the Republican-controlled Senate Agriculture Committee worked overtime to turn its back on the people and the protection given them by the Colorado...

Say ‘no’ to a lame duck vote on TPP

In their desperation to enact the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “trade” agreement, proponents are pressing for a vote during the post-election “lame duck” Congress....

Health, safety, toxicity … and elections

Caring for the health and safety of our children and families is common ground where Americans on the Left and the Right meet. Yet,...