Danish Plan

The Cutter incident: A cautionary tale for Operation Warp Speed

The Trump administration is calling its push for a coronavirus vaccine “Operation Warp Speed.” If you don’t find the name cringe-worthy, you’re not old...

The Cannonball River slobs

The activists protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline call themselves “Water Protectors,” but there’s a more evocative one-syllable Anglo-Saxonism that better describes them. Slobs. Now that the...

The Grim Reaper and the Charmin squeeze

The Idea Fairy and I were kicking back — banana nut bread is the gift that keeps on giving — when there was a...

Tales from Rocky Flats, and why it should stay off-limits

It’s not often that I find myself endorsing anything that the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center has its fingerprints on, but I agree...

The coming lithium wars: what we know

We all know that we have only a mere 11 years to save the planet from the global warming apocalypse. We know this because...

Some nasty unintended consequences of Prop 112

Back in the early 1970s someone asked Colorado’s then-Senator Gordon Allott if he would favor moving the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons plant because it...

The anti-Electoral College compact may come with a nasty surprise

The Colorado legislature approved a bill on Feb. 21 to cast Colorado’s electoral votes for president for the candidate who gets the most popular...

Old and in the way at age 50

Boulder geezers — and we’re talking about anyone over age 50 here — you’re through! Done! Fini! Kaput! Finito! Old and in the way! And not...

The Danish Plan recalled

Participants in Boulder’s current conversation about growth are starting to allude to the Danish Plan, the growth control ordinance I wrote in 1976 that was adopted by a vote of the people in the November election that year, so I thought I’d provide some background ...

Was America ever great? You bet it was! And it still...

Maybe Trump derangement syndrome made them do it. Or maybe they’re just part of the Democrats’ slime-America-first caucus. Whatever the cause, at least three prominent...

AOC thinks white supremacy is behind climate change…

A couple weeks ago Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) claimed that climate change is linked to, wait for it, white supremacy. She also claimed...

Nixon’s take on Bolton and Bernie

The Idea Fairy and me were polishing off our latest plate of edibles when there was a knock on the door. It was Richard...