
Teen gets 15 years in prison in Facebook coercion case

WAUKESHA, Wis. — Anthony Stancl, who used the Facebook social networking site to deceive and coerce fellow New Berlin Eisenhower High School...

Director of hospital that treats child molesters accused of raping foster...

LOS ANGELES — The executive director of Napa State Hospital, a Northern California...

Boulder Reservoir Plunge

Boulder County residents took a plunge into the Boulder Reservoir over the weekend. Boulder Weekly's Foon Fu was there to document. Click here for a photo gallery.

Cheney had ‘mild heart attack,’ spokesman says

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Dick Cheney...

Supervisors reject changing name of Mount Diablo

MARTINEZ, Calif. — California's Mount Diablo will continue to carry its historic name and it will become neither Mount Ronald Reagan nor Mount John Muir if Contra Costa County supervisors have anything to say about it...

No detail too small as plans are finalized for health care...

WASHINGTON — Forget whether Washington can agree on a health care plan at the upcoming summit meeting. In recent days the real impasse has been over furniture...

Yahoo strikes content-sharing partnership with Twitter

SAN FRANCISCO — In a battle to woo back Web surfers who are spending more time on social networking sites, Internet portal Yahoo has clinched a deal with Twitter to share content across both properties...

Florida school official quits amid allegations of relationship with student

TAVARES, Fla. — A Eustis High School assistant principal quit before the Lake County School Board could fire her after allegations that she was having an inappropriate relationship with a female student...

Top Toyota executive says company hasn’t ruled out electronics problem

WASHINGTON — Under relentless questioning from a congressional panel, a top Toyota...