Haitian President Rene Preval makes rare public appearance to hear frustrations


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Haitian President Rene Preval walked over to the palace gates on Saturday — and was met by hundreds
of people who rushed the gates to shout demands and voice frustrations
with him and his leadership. He stood on the inside listening for more
than 20 minutes as the throngs screamed.

Saturday’s public appearance was one of his first in the 18 days since the quake. In interviews with The Miami Herald, Preval said he has deliberately avoided touring the ruins and has chosen to spend his time coordinating the nation’s response.

When he showed up unannounced on Saturday, Haitians were startled — and angry.

“I have been standing right here in front of this
palace every day since the earthquake and that is the first time he
shows his face,” said Joel Joseph, an unemployed
construction worker. “Of course, I yelled at him! You know what he
said? ‘I lost my house, too.’ That’s all he has to say. Listen to the
people, the people want him out and for the international community to
take over.”

Preval advisor Dimitri Vorbe said many of the people were upset and frustrated and demanded housing and food.

“They want him to speak to them. They are saying he
should have come a long time ago, that he should have talked to them.
He is telling them that he lost his house, too, and that he took 18
days to evaluate the whole process. He did not come out sooner if he
did not have something in hand to tell them. That is why they have been
waiting so long.”

“He is the devil and we don’t want him here,” said Ricardo Micael, 39. “I need a job! This government is worthless,” Vorbe said.

Afterward Preval was approached by a member of his security detail, Joubert Pognon, who lost his arm in the quake.

“He’s not fine; he’s alive,” Preval said. “Now he cannot take care of his family.”

(c) 2010, The Miami Herald.

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