Calming cows


The cannabidiol frontier


Weed Between the Lines

Cannabis should not be a controlled substance

As more state legislatures vote to allow medical marijuana use and research, and public approval in the United States for ending the federal ban on cannabis continues to rise, there is still much official opposition. And perhaps the most entrenched opponents are ...

A progressive wish-list

The cannabis world was abuzz last week after Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Corey Booker (D-N.J.) proposed a new cannabis reform...

Training psychedelic therapists

On Sept. 30, 2024, Colorado’s Natural Medicine Advisory board will make its first recommendations (Weed Between the Lines, “Tip of the psychedelic spear,” Dec....

Common sense over nonsense in the weed wars

I watched Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s CNN Weed 3 special last week. It’s another in his series about medical marijuana, and for the first time he is calling for national legalization. He also provides more fascinating evidence of how politics have stopped any meaningful study...

Punch the gas

Four years ago, the House passed Colorado’s Regulated Marijuana Delivery bill. The purpose was twofold: One, to make it possible for medical patients and...

Arizona parents of children with autism fight to legally use medical...

In Arizona, parents of children with autism are currently unable to use medical marijuana to treat their children’s symptoms, but House Bill 2049 may...

Will Colorado’s Pot Supply Be Able to Meet Demand?

The time is drawing nigh. In less than a month, Colorado and Washington will open the first adult recreational marijuana markets in history. Which brings up an interesting question. Will there be enough product to supply this emerging consumer base...

Terrapin Station opens a new era in Boulder commerce

It might not have been as big a moment as the day retail sales began in Denver on Jan. 1. There were no national media gawking or television cameras rolling last Friday at 8:30 a.m. About 50 or 60 people, some from the Amendment 64 movement, a city councilman, one ...

The limits to legislating cannabis edibles

The state of Colorado got generally high marks for its initial rollout of recreational cannabis from a Brookings Institute report released last week. Writer John Hudak admitted it’s too early to determine how well legalization will work out, but it praised the state’...

Public consumption takes a giant step in Alaska

On Nov. 20, Alaska’s Marijuana Control Board voted to allow consumption of cannabis at licensed retail dispensaries. Alaska was the fourth state to legalize cannabis, and if signed into law, it would become the first to allow consumption outside of residential homes ...

Windows of impairment and detection

Driving high is illegal, no matter what state you’re in. But proving someone is or isn’t under the influence of cannabis at the time...

Defining craft cannabis

Skywalker OG. Sour Diesel. LA Confidential. With dozens of different strains available to choose from, each emitting a different aroma and promising a different...