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Savage Love | Week of April 25, 2013

Dear Readers: Last week was made of problems. The bombing of the Boston Marathon, the explosion that leveled a small town in Texas, the rising tide of antigay violence in France, the North Koreans being North Korean. And when I sat down to write this week’s column — ...

Schedule 1: Same as it ever was, same as it ever...

“The criminal law is too harsh a tool to apply to personal possession even in the effort to discourage use. It implies an overwhelming indictment of the behavior which we believe is not appropriate. The actual and potential harm of use of the drug is not great enough...

Astrology | Week of April 18, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: The writer Oliver Burkeman has some advice that would be helpful for you Aries folks to hear right now: “When you assume your current preferences won’t alter, you’ll make bad decisions: embarking on a career or marriage, say, not with a view ...

In case you missed it | Hold another municipalization vote

We have to agree with those who are calling for a final vote of Boulder residents on the municipalization question, before the city moves ahead with it...

Savage Love | Week of April 18, 2013

Dear Dan: I am uncircumcised, and the opening at the end of my foreskin is not large enough for the head of my penis to pass through. This means my foreskin doesn’t pull back when I get an erection. The Internet says this is a condition called “phimosis,” and a lot ...

Turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes

On Nov. 6, 54.8 percent of Colorado voters passed Amendment 64, The Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act, which allows adults to possess, consume, buy and grow marijuana in small quantities for personal use. Washington state passed a similar law that day, the first ...

Astrology | Week of April 11, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: German theologian Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a central figure in the rebellion against the Catholic Church that led to the Protestant Reformation. You’ll never guess where he was when he was struck by the epiphany that became the core ...

In case you missed it | Is it pay phones or...

Well, it’s official. The city of Boulder is getting rid of the last few pay phones that still dot the Pearl Street Mall. Most of the city’s motive is pretty simple: The phones just aren’t used that much anymore because “everyone” has a cell phone. And then, of course...

Astrology | Week of April 4, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: “Art cannot be modern,” said Austrian painter Egon Schiele. “Art is primordially eternal.” I love that idea. Not all of the artifacts called “art” fit that scrupulous definition, of course. Katy Perry’s music and the film Wreck-It Ralph may ...

In case you missed it | And the winner is …...

When it was announced that Boulder County Commissioner Elise Jones was going to debate Gov. John Hickenlooper on the issue of fracking, we weren’t sure what to expect. To be honest, we were afraid that the debate might turn out to be more of a conversation among ...

Astrology | Week of March 28, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: I was too lazy to write your horoscope this week, so I went to a website that hawks bumper stickers and copied a few of their slogans to use as your “advice.” Here you go. 1. Never follow a rule off a cliff. 2. Have the courage to honor your ...

In case you missed it | Fracking hypocrisy

So, we have a story in this week’s issue about the tens of millions of dollars the state uses to compensate communities for their losses when oil and gas companies and other land pillagers move in, do their business, then pull out, so to speak...