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A big step forward for marijuana in Boulder

Since January, the Marijuana Advisory Panel (MAP) has considered the City of Boulder’s cannabis laws, codes and regulations and last week, it unveiled its...

Cornhole; The perfect match; In need of a therapist

Dear Dan: What are your favorite uses for the butt plug besides putting it in your own butt or someone else’s butt? — Fun Faggy...

Astrology: 9/1/16

ARIES March 21-April 19: Truth decay is in its early stages. If you take action soon, you can prevent a full-scale decomposition. But be forewarned:...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Go away, Chris Brown The human pile of garbage known as Chris Brown has proven once again that he should move to a deserted island...

Legalization 2016 — the order of battle

Barring last minute legal thunderbolts, the stage is set for this year’s marijuana legalization initiatives. Five states — California, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts and Maine —...

From weed to wine: Keeping the Marijuana farm small and local

In November, voters in as many as 12 states will see a marijuana legalization initiative on their ballots. Marijuana is already legal for recreational use...

Astrology 8/25/16

ARIES March 21-April 19: In the coming weeks, I hope you won’t scream curses at the rain, demanding that it stop falling on you. Similarly,...

Treating marijuana producers like dirt

On Nov. 6, 2012 the people of Colorado decisively voted to legalize recreational marijuana. Amendment 64 passed with 55.3 percent of the vote. In Boulder...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

The joys of the internet If you were walking down the street this morning, whistling a tune, kicking up your heels, marvelling at all the...

Dan Savage fills in for Dan Savage — Week 3 (Also:...

DEAR READERS: This is the final week of my summer vacation — but you’ve been getting a new column every week I’ve been gone,...

Even paranoids have real enemies

This week’s scary marijuana headline comes to us compliments of the Medscape.com website. It reads: “Marijuana Tied to Persistent Subclinical Psychotic Symptoms in Teens.” According...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

U.S.A. for the win There’s nothing like two-straight weeks of Olympic glory. Especially if you’re American and can’t help but cry at every medal we...