Cannabis Corner

Surprise! Ex-FDA head wants FDA to regulate pot

Scott Gottlieb wants you to know that marijuana legalization is behind the recent spike in the number of cases of lung damage and deaths...

Pot studies edition: what’s hot, what’s not

The release of several recent studies shed light on a number of commonly held associations with marijuana use, such as lung health, crime rates...

This could be huge! Then again…

This could be huge! On the other hand, it might not amount to a hill of beans. Then again, it might be really huge, but not...

Three dots in a cloud of purple haze

Stoner nation: According to the results of a survey published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, one in seven Americans over the age of...

Legal pot comes to California – thank Jack

On Monday, California became the sixth state in which recreational marijuana is sold legally — with the same absence of fanfare that marked the...

Reefer Madness 2016 — ‘Los Angeles Times’ edition

The Los Angeles Times published an article last week that was a latter day incarnation of 1930s-style reefer madness. The headline was “Marijuana: A potent...

Could Trump get the money for the border wall from El...

This week’s guessing game in Washington seems to be where will Trump get the money Congress won’t give him to build the border wall....

New Mexico Dems hand anti-pot senators their walking papers

This could be huge. Since at least 2016, the New Mexico legislature had repeatedly tried and failed to legalize recreational marijuana in the state. A...