Cannabis Corner

The Mexican supreme court legalizes marijuana!

Wow! This is huge. The possession and use of marijuana is now legal throughout Mexico. Bang, dead, just like that. On Oct. 26, the Mexican Supreme...

Lies, damn lies and Massachusetts DAs

When marijuana legalization opponents think they might lose at the polls, they try to keep legalization initiatives off the ballot. Their tactics for doing this...

‘Politico’ to put out a marijuana newsletter

The highly regarded Politico website is launching a marijuana newsletter called the Morning Cannabis, which is intended to help readers “navigate the complexities and...

Pot enters presidential politics with a bang

If marijuana wasn’t an issue in the 2020 presidential campaign before the second Democratic candidates’ debate, it sure is now. Two brutally blunt exchanges —...

Finally: Legalization stirrings in Congress

Representative Dana Rohrabacher’s (R-Cal.) bill to keep the federal government from enforcing the anti-marijuana provisions of the Controlled Substances Act in states that have...

Is America’s team going green?

Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, may have just stumbled on a way to make the Cowboys America’s Team again. And it involves...

Marijuana legalization 2019: The dam is breaking

The dam is breaking. According to the website Marijuana Moment, four governors called for marijuana reform in State of the State speeches on a single...

Three-dot journalism comes to Cannabis Corner

And then there were five. At midnight last Saturday (July 1) Nevada became the fifth state in which recreational marijuana could be sold and...

Surprise! Ex-FDA head wants FDA to regulate pot

Scott Gottlieb wants you to know that marijuana legalization is behind the recent spike in the number of cases of lung damage and deaths...

Backing pot legalization becomes a political plus

This could be great news if it holds up. Tom Angell at the website Marijuana Moment is reporting that a poll of voters in 60...

Illinois legislature legalizes recreational marijuana

Good news. A state legislature has finally gotten a recreational marijuana legalization bill across the finish line this year. After failures in three “New” states...

Drug cartel gives food packages to the poor

The coronavirus pandemic has prompted Mexico’s Gulf Cartel to get in touch with its inner Robin Hood. According to the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting...